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Roguing Course

Instructor: Plínio Zavaglia

To guarantee quality in the seedling production process, RIDESA/UFSCar offers the “Roguing Training Course”, to enable professional to perform roguing activities, providing technical information and practical training for recognition and solutions of the sugarcane phytosanitary problems.

Nematological Analysis

Responsible: Dr. Evandro Henrique Schinor

The UFSCar Nematology Laboratory has the necessary equipment to determine levels of occurrence of nematodes through the processing of soil samples and plant roots, quantification of parasites known to be harmful to different cultures, whether annual, semi-perennial or perennial. Plants in the field or in nurseries can be analyzed.

Ratoon stunt disease (RSD) analysis

Responsible: Dr. Alfredo Urashima

The RSD diagnosis is carried out with the objective of evaluating the incidence and determining the levels of bacterial infection in seedlings and commercial cane nurseries, providing subsidies for control measures.

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